World Food Day Celebration, 7 October, 2010

World Food Day Celebrations, 2010
Caritas Nepal is one of the initial members of Right to Food network that includes Farmers’ Organizations and NGOs. The network held events on the occasion of World Food Day in 6th and 7th October in Kathmandu.
In 6th of October, the network held press conference at Reporter’s Club (Putalisadak). Mr. M. Malla (of Caritas Nepal), Mr. Prem Dangal (of ANPA), Mr. Birendra Adhikari (of RRN) along with other network members spoke on need to ensure “Right to Food” to be noted as a basic right of Citizens of Nepal in the new constitution. The network members shared their dismay in regards to the lack of ability national government to provide quality fertilizers to farmers this year, and demanded timely and quality inputs to be provided to farmers in the future. They noted that once Right to Food is noted in the constitution as a fundamental right, the Nepal Government will be duty bound by law to invest more on agriculture and develop and implement program/projects that will help realize food sovereignty to the farmers and the nation. Mr. M. Malla said that there is present social injustice to two thirds of people of Nepal because these farmers receive only small amount of support for agriculture.
In 7th October, Caritas Nepal Agriculture (IPM) Network took part in Right to Food Network organized rally in Kathmandu. The participants were farmers and NGO workers. The rally highlighted the need for “right to food” to be noted in constitution by play-cards and banners.